Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Gray

Well look at that.  I almost missed it, but luckily we have little date and time counters in the bottom corner of our computers.  If we didn't I think that maybe I'd forget what year it was entirely.  But time is always moving, even if maybe we aren't.  Or if we maybe don't want it to.

Today's April 13th.  It's my birthday.  I'm sixteen.

I opened up this post and I started writing it cause I figure this is significant but now I don't know what to say.  What does it matter?  I'm just the same person I was yesterday, gaining an extra year hasn't made me any better.

Well, I'm glad that I'm putting this up anyway.  Who knows what's going to happen in the future.  This may be something to help me remember myself.  I don't know.  Birthdays seem important, so I'm glad I didn't forget it.

To another year, and many happy returns.



  1. Technically you only gained a day since yesterday, not a year.

    Technicalities aside, happy birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you celebrated it well, despite the circumstances you're in and if you didn't, I'm sorry.

    But, I just wanted to ask real quick and I'm sorry if this will sound weird, or stupid, but...

    Is this real? The blog and your situation. Because I'm sort of in the same situation, I'm afraid that Slenderman is after me as well, at least, I've seen him only once so far and that was enough. I jsut want to find out if I'm going crazy, or if this is real.


    1. That's a...lot to say in a comment. Why don't you e-mail me? I'll see if I can help:
